Wednesday, September 9, 2009

busy day...

Today we are off to the thrift store (my favorite place to go) in search of some treasures starting with the letter "A". Josey is quite funny. She keeps asking, "Are we going to do "B" today?" She has got the "A" thing down and is ready to move on, apparently. LOL!

Once again I have a pain in my neck. I keep getting it in the same spot quite frequently. I think it's my stress point? But I'm not stressed. Who knows? Is that right? Is it a question? I'm not really asking if someone knows if it's my stress point just saying I have no idea. So then why don't I just say I have no idea? OK, I have no idea. There, that settles that.

I am going on day four with straight hair. Yes I washed it in between. I'm LOVING the not rainy weather. Although, I do love a good run in the rain. But Mother Nature isn't a fan I am quite certain. It always rains until I get to where I am running and then it stops. I'm going to have to just start going around here I guess. So if it is thundering and lightening and I'm running with tennis shoes on (duh) does that ground me? I don't really want to test that theory so one may never know. Or do you? So who knows? Yes, this time I am asking.

I find it sad that I only have one follower on here. But quite glad that I have someone who loves me enough to follow. LOL! Totally kidding bubble readers.

OK, I suppose I should tare or tear no that's crying ugh! I have a serious love/hate relationship with the English language. I guess if I can look it up then it doesn't matter but I'm not going to take the time to look it up so again, Who knows? Wow, sometimes I can be quite thought provoking.

I am going to change my random question, well actually, just add it here. I'd love to hear some other's perspectives on it. I guess I need to add a disclaimer. I am NOT trying to say this is how it is or that any of us even have the slightest idea how it's going to be but I love to discuss the gospel and all the many probably wrong theories that go along with it. So any thoughts on the following?

Our lives are going so extremely fast and time is almost literally flying by. For instance, Josey is 3 1/2! How did that happen? And 9/11 is fast approaching again for the 8th year in a row. That has gone by so quickly, it seems so fresh every time I see those towers fall. Anyway, why do you think time is going so quickly for us?

My theory: I think that our spirits are becoming more and more in tuned with the spirit to know that we MUST prepare. Not only is our prophet warning us constantly to be prepared but I can feel that we HAVE to do it. So I think that time isn't literally going faster but because of our spirits and the urgencies they are feeling it seems to be going quicker because the second coming is fast approaching... What say you?

1 comment:

  1. I agree our spirits are feeling the urgency. We must prepare now. Stand up, be heard, Stand in holy places!
