Thursday, September 17, 2009

"my cup overfloweth"

My last few days have been wild! On Tuesday I got a positive pregnancy test. Yesterday I got a positive pregnancy test I also got many negatives but the positive ones were in the morning first thing. However, it looks like whatever it is is ending today. I'm so grateful that I was able to experience a bit of a pregnancy for a few days. It's a strange thing, this life. I really believe that we are here to grow. Not only in ourselves but with our spouses and our children and most importantly in our relationship with our Heavenly Father. I am now, more than ever before, so grateful for my Savior. I'm grateful that He knows the struggles of this life. I'm grateful that I know He loves me. What a great day when I can stand before Him and cry out "My God, My King!" And bow to His feet and wash them with my tears. This tiny little imperfect person that I am and He still has room for me. It's an incredible plan. 
I'm so ok right now and it's almost a little bit scary. If this would have happened to me a few months ago I'm not sure I would have survived. However, Heavenly Father knows us better than anything and He knows the perfect time for all trials. No tears have been shed and no ill feelings have been felt. I'm so grateful for the blessings I have in my life and I am in NEED of nothing. The blessings that Heavenly Father will add to our family in His time will come when they and we are ready. The blessings are there and they are just waiting for that perfect time to enter our lives. I'm so grateful for the knowledge of the gospel. I'm so grateful for the testimony I have and the strength that I receive from it. I'm grateful for my family and friends and the support they give. I love the temple. I love to be in that holy place and feel so close to my Father. I am thankful that I have the knowledge that I am a daughter of God and that if I can live this life according to His plan, not only will I return to live with Him again but I will be with my family again. My cup is over flowing with gratitude this day.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


  1. Just wanted you to know that I love you. Thank you for your testimony. The Lord truley does know what and when things are best for us. We may not always like the answer, but he does know all.

  2. Joy, I love you too. Thanks for being my friend! And you are right. His timing is all that matters in our lives. If we just live ours according to His will, the time comes just as it should.

  3. That was really nice. Thanks for posting such a beautiful testimony.
