Thursday, September 10, 2009

last night's Presidential address

Thanks to Joy I am very slowly reading The Great and The Terrible series and I am only on book one. So far it is fantastic. It gives a really real feeling of Satan and his craftiness, deiceiverness, lying, deception etc. So while I was watching the President give his speech last night, I thought what he was laying out was fantastic. I was excited and he sounded like he was really doing a good thing.

However, I was then pricked extremely HARD by the spirit that it was not true. There were many lies being told and the book and the picture that it creates of Satan came into my mind. Now I'm not saying he's satan or anything close, it was just the thought that I had. I don't believe what he is telling us is true. I believe he pointed out a lot of really good things but I think there is a lot underlying that we can't see because they can't get the bill passed if they bring those out.

I'm not trying to start a political debate on my blog. I don't even really want to talk about it. But this is my blog and so I get to say what I want about what I think. And before I get jumped all over I will say that my favorite part about living in a democracy so far is that we ALL get to feel how we want about people in office. I didn't vote for the man to be there so I get to complain and disagree all I want. Now I sound like a two year old throwing a temper tantrum. How funny am I?

Today I'm going to get some chunky highlights in my hair. I am quite excited. It should look pretty. I should be getting dressed right now to go running but my lowers kind of hurt when I do so I just might wait and go tomorrow and Saturday. As long as I do three days a week, I don't really care what three days that is.

Josey is going to stay with Papa today. It's her first long stint with him. I hope that goes well. I'm sure it will. Ok, I think while everyone is still sleeping I'm going to go watch the season finale of Leverage. That's one of my new favs.


  1. Keep reading. I could not even bring myself to watch the Pres speak. Just how I felt yesterday. I will listen to it sometime today. Can't wait to see your new hair.

  2. I love reading your blog. And I also love Leverage :)
